
Nut Dangers to Dogs

Nut Dangers to Dogs

Nuts are always popular treats, not just as an easy snack, but also in all sorts of baked goodies and other recipes. It is important that dog owners not share many of those snacks and treats with their pets, however, because of the different nut dangers to dogs. Understanding those dangers can help dog owners keep their pets safe. Some Nuts Are Okay – In Moderation When dog owners first learn that nuts can be dangerous to dogs, they may be shocked to see peanut and peanut butter-flavored treats available for dogs from pet stores, major retailers and even specialty...

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Bird Feeding Tips for Fall

Bird Feeding Tips for Fall

As the last heat wave of summer fades, bird feeders are disappearing from backyards. Most bird lovers assume that as the weather cools and mass migration sweeps in, their beloved winged friends don't need human assistance in finding food; they can forage for it themselves. Be a wise lover of birds this year; learn how to host diverse flocks  at your backyard buffet right up until winter. Offer High-Calorie Foods As they prepare to migrate, birds need nutritious foods rich in fat to sustain their energy. Be the best bird feeder on the block by offering high-calorie nibblets for them...

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Chicken Molting Tips

Chicken Molting Tips

Molting is an essential part of chickens’ growth and health, but losing and replacing feathers is also a messy, stressful process. Taking steps to help chickens with molting can minimize the stress and keep your backyard flock happy and healthy. About Molting All chickens molt to replace old, broken, and worn out feathers with fresh plumage that will provide better insulation. Young chickens typically have several juvenile molts as they grow to their full size, but won’t begin their regular seasonal molts until they are 12-18 months old. Mature chickens will molt once or twice a year, often with one...

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Tips to Help Calm Your Pets During Storms

Tips to Help Calm Your Pets During Storms

A sudden thunderstorm can be terrifying for any pet, and cats and dogs can become very stressed during storms. There are easy ways to help your pet feel more comfortable, however, and keep them from getting too excited or anxious when storms pass by. Provide a Safe PlaceYour pet will feel more secure if they have a safe, comfortable place to retreat when a storm strikes. A small, interior room without windows works best, such as a laundry room, walk-in closet, pantry or bathroom. Make sure there is a comfortable, familiar blanket, some water and other comforting objects in the...

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Tips To Prevent Barn Flies

Tips To Prevent Barn Flies

With summertime in full swing, it means there are longer days and more time you can spend outside with your barn animals. However, summertime and warm weather also means that flies begin to reproduce and will start tormenting your livestock. Follow these tips to fight back and prevent barn flies from causing problems for both you and your barn animals. Flies are not only annoying, but they can also spread diseases to your horses and livestock that can lead to digestive or growth problems. Preventing barn flies is not just about getting rid of a pest; it’s also about protecting...

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